20 May 2007

(Somewhat) Sad News

My laptop has finally thrown in the white towel. After years of massive photo-downloading, relentless blogging, and slave-driving (through the nights for assignments due the following morning), my laptop has blanked out, and refuses to start up. I can't even see the photo of Chocolate Macarons that I had kept as my wallpaper since the day I made them (which is really long ago).

As I type, my sweet, sweet brother is hunched over my laptop trying to salvage it. Alas, the light at the end of the tunnel is diminishing.

In other sad news, my bunny Moka fell ill while I was away. He had been pooping uncontrollably around the house (before that, he usually scampers back into the cage to poop), and running around our feet in quick circles, sometimes both at the same time. Although this doesn't sound like anything more than ill-discipline and mischief, I can assure you he is typically more docile than that unless provoked by my growling brother. He (Moka) has gotten better though, and is now a happy camper back in his old hideout.

Still, I wish I could give him some home-baked treat. It doesn't make sense that I can cook for the people I love but can't for the bunny I adore. If anyone has any recipe for bunny treats, please share!


Anonymous said...

Hi Daffy, so sorry to hear that your laptop had gone bonkers.

I think it's a sign for you to change to a new one, there's a new IT show coming up at the expo this 31st May, maybe you can get one there.

Anonymous said...

hi there, yeah, I'm probably going to be heading there =) and get my pro-bro along. I usually leave all these techie stuff to him.