22 April 2007

This is for you, Duckie

We visited my great-grandmother, great-great-grandmother, great-grandfather, grandpa and Uncle Fred today. It was certainly an adventure and I find it amazing how my grandmother (at 81 years of age) remembers each block and unit number so clearly. Incidentally (or not), it was my grandfather's birthday as well. He was born exactly 83 years ago today.

Uncle Fred, passed on 22 years ago on the 13th August. 2 days before my favourite cousin - Freda - was born. This would of course, explain her name. His full name was Fred Yuen Yew Wai, and she is Freda Yuin Yu Wei. I love how her name is steeped deep in family history (my own name is very much less glamourous), and how fate had blessed our family with her birth so shortly after an unfortunate incident.

Freda, whom I affectionately call my little own Duckie, is now in Korea living out her dreams. Her journey there has been miraculous, though not without its obstacles. I can't help beaming with pride everytime I talk about her to my friends. I have a little photo of the both of us that I carry around with me everyday. I miss you, and I'll see you at Christmas!

Your Cousin


Anonymous said...

ah quack, number 1. u owe me a dinner. number 2. u know of any good culinary classes ard? number 3. meet up lar!


Anonymous said...

roxanne! Thursday we discuss! =)