29 August 2006


Hi, I'm Daffy and I eat instant noodles. I tell people not to eat it, I scold friends for buying bagfuls of it, but I succumb to it too.

On days when I don't have the luxury of time, they are a life-saver. On days when I know I will appreciate little of what I put in my mouth (Yes, shock, horror. But shit happens to me too.), I dig it out just to quieten my gastric juices. And on days like these, I seek more pleasure in taking a nice photo of it than eating it.

But, I am really looking forward to going out for drinks with my girlfriends tonight, and we're hitting the bar at happy hour. Hopefully there will not be a repeat occurance of me belting out Backstreet's Back, though I'm sure my girlfriends will be highly amused.


Anonymous said...

I think there is no shame in eating instant noodles because you still have to make an effort cooking it. I eat cup noodles, sometimes by choice :P

Anonymous said...

Hi ST =) It's just I am big on nutrition too, and instant noodles just doesn't seem packed with much of it. Which is why my bowls are always full of veg too. heh. Not to mention, my mum has heard lots of horror stories about instant/cup noodles! That puts me off a little.

:: Pastry Girl :: said...

Ya..i am another one big on nutrition because i study abt it! Maggi mee are just loaded with lots of fats and sodium thus making it so unhealthy!

Eat it once in a while and its fine. :) If not, u can be like me eat KOKA non-fried version. A healthier choice too..ah..i am getting hungry now. :)

Anonymous said...

Me too, I am embarrassed to admit it, but in Korea we have this dish called cheesy raw boggie. A pack of instant noodles and rice cakes in a chili sauce, with one single slice of orange processed cheese. I eat it a couple times of month. Ug. I have to stop.

Anonymous said...

L> Well then you must feel quite strongly against sinful (but so delicious) food like foie gras and marrow? I should try the koka version next time, or just stay off it totally. =)

M>That is such an interesting combination and really sounds like trashily good food =)

diddy said...

I love ramen! (don't throw things at me! hehe) It's so good once in a while to slurp up overly salty, rehydrated deep fried noodles in an msg based broth! I'm serious though! I grew up with ramen for lunch over the summers and it brings back memories!

Anonymous said...

oh dear, i think we all better watch it. We may become bald before we even reach our forties.

Anonymous said...

I am partial to Myojo's Shrimp Tanmen myself. Sometimes the body just screams for something salty and bad and instant noodles will usually satisfy the craving.

Audrey Cooks said...

Guilty as charged! I too succumb to a packet of curry flavour Maggi Mee once in a while by total conscious choice. Btw, lovely blog u have here!

Anonymous said...

U> My choice of poison is actually any one of those korean instant noodles. They are thicker and more chewy. And you're right. Salty and bad food, that would be instant mee.

AC> Hi, we can all form a club by now. Thanks for the compliment =)